Serverless London July
July 20, 2022
Real-time Data Processing with Amazon Kinesis and AWS Lambda

Real-time data processing is critical to many platforms and is often used for analytics, personalisation and marketing - it is seen as a ‘must-have’ in order to increase conversion and improve user experience. Performing it at scale isn’t without its difficulties. In this session we show how to implement real-time data processing using Amazon Kinesis and AWS Lambda, and unravel the solutions to the challenges that are faced.

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PowerShell on Lambda = best of both worlds!

It's now even easier to run Lambda functions written in PowerShell. Julian Wood shows how you can now run native PowerShell code in Lambda without having to compile anything, which simplifies deployment and testing. See how you can also view and edit PowerShell code in the Lambda console and have more control over function output and logging. Learn how to add additional modules to extend your PowerShell serverless applications. Take your PowerShell to the cloud!

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